Monday, March 23, 2009



Tags: ponstel

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Want to Know Which Drugs are Made in China â€" Check Out This List

I am so glad to be able to share this list with you. I have been looking for a list of Chinese-made drugs. While this list is ostensibly published for humans, many of the drugs on this list are also prescribed for our furbabies. Knowledge is power and knowing which drugs are Chinese-made gives us th...

Read the full post from Dogster for the Love of Dog Blog

via Blogdigger blog search for ponstel.

Jeg hadde Haeggman på rommet, han skulle tidlig opp på søndag for å spille. Jeg tuslet opp litt senere og var på banen fra morningen av. Fikk inn en fin trening på formiddagen så tok Haeggman og jeg lunch og så golf på tven. Det var kjekt å se Noren sin avsluttning. Så var det å ta turen ut til flyp ...

aankondiging REN Vlaanderen themadagen

De nascholingsorganisatie REN Vlaanderen organiseert de komende weken haar thematische studiedagen. Deze studiedagen passen in de themawerking die REN Vlaanderen sinds enkele jaren opzet. Voor het schooljaar 2007-2008 werden volgende thema’s gekozen: - Visie en beleidsontwikkeling ICT- Web2.0 educ...

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via Blogdigger blog search for ponstel.


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